Herculian Taekwondo!
The Paragon of Self-Defense
Gup Promotional Criteria
Instructor’s recommendation minimum:
Minimum of 24 classes in grade (yellow-2nd brown)
Vocabulary/philosophy/history: oral
Basic motions: kicking, blocking, striking, stances, focus, breathing, eye contact, footwork and fluidity of movement
One Step Sparring: Two & Three Step Sparring:
Yellow belt: 1-3 basic techniques 2nd Brown: 1-5
Green belt: 1-7 basic techniques 1st Brown: 1-10
Blue belt: 1-12 intermediate techniques
2nd Brown: 1-17
1st Brown: 1-22
Aikido & Judo Techniques:
Yellow belt: Aikido 1-3
Green belt: Aikido 1-6
Blue belt: Aikido 1-9
2nd Brown belt: Judo 1-9; Aikido 1-15
1st Brown belt: Judo 1-15; Aikido 1-20
Jump kicks: front, side, round, wheel, back and ax
Breaking: determined by judge or prearranged
Free sparring: Determined by judges
Note: White belts are responsible for basic motions and forms only
Gup Forms
White Kibon 1, 2 & 3
Yellow Pinan 1& 2
Green Pinan 3, Old Kibon 1 & 2
Blue Pinan 4, Old Kibon 3
3rd Brown Pinan 5, Old Kibon 4, Yuk Soo Darion 1-2
2nd Brown Naihanchi 1, Bassai, Yuk Soo Darion 1-4
1st Brown Naihanchi 2, Rohai, Yuk Soo Darion 1-5
Dan Rank Forms
1st Fushu, Chinte, Naihanchi 3, Toe Chu San 1-2
2nd Chinto, Kakyoku & Ship Soo
3rd Sang Guk Kwan, Jion & Kusanku
4th Seiru & Sabom Kwan
5th O Sip Sa Bo & Dai Gi Hyul, Shaolin Jang Kwan & Gojushiho